Wednesday 24 February 2010

A Taste of Spain - Granada Tapas Tours!

Who says there is no such thing as a free lunch...? Discover hidden & historic Granada, sample traditional local specialities & discover the best bars serving free tapas with a tailor-made Tapas Tour...
Granada is one of the few cities in Spain still serving free tapas. These days, the rest of Spain has cottoned on to the idea that punters don't mind paying for their pub snacks, but in Granada, tapas are still seen as a gift of the house, and many bars take pride in the quality and variety of their tapas...even small villages have clusters of bars with inviting counters full of finger foods and a sea of cured hams hanging from the ceiling. Happy patrons walk in, usually in groups and, depending on the region, order a caña (minibeer) or a fino sherry along with an array of tapas. Each bar has its specialty or specialties, and Spaniards are particular about what to eat where. After completing the first round of lively conversation and small plates, the group moves on to the next bar, often only footsteps away.
In the tapas bars of Andalusia, small cazuelas of sizzling garlic shrimp and platters of deep-fried little fish served with fino are familiar sights. Equally popular in every region is tortilla española, the potato and onion omelet that appears in a trio of guises: a ración (larger appetizer-sized portion), a montadito (a small slice of bread with a topping), or a pulguita (a tiny bread roll, usually no longer than three inches, split and filled). Platters of sliced jamón ibérico, commonly offered as raciones, are also beloved across Spain.
The name, 'tapa', originates from the word tapar, to cover and is said to originate from the practice of covering the drink with a piece of bread or small plate of titbits in order to prevent stray flies crawling into the glasses. However another popular theory is that when the 13th-century King Alfonso fell ill, he was prescribed small bites of food with wine to aid his recovery. After discovering the benefits of snacking, he is said to have decreed it law that all bars begin to serve food with alcohol.
The tapas tradition soon grew into an elaborate menu of nibbles which increase in quality and quantity the more drinks are ordered.
Come and spend a few days in Granada with us and we will give you up-to-date advice about the best places to eat in the city and more...Book a tour and we can show you the best that the city has to offer!
Follow our link to Granada Tapas Tours
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